Monday, January 10, 2011

Bleacher Butt

I can't believe it's already Monday. Where did the weekend go? Oh, that's right. I spent my weekend sitting in the bleachers, watching my two oldest play a lot of basketball.

There were lots of things I wish I would have gotten done this weekend - there's still a ton of laundry to finish, a movie I've been meaning to watch for two weeks now, and the pile of pictures waiting to be organized so I can get them in scrapbooks. But I've decided that stuff can wait. For now, my free time will be spent driving my kids around, and watching them play the sport I still love so much.

Yes, I'd love to go to a gym and actually get some exercise. But there's just no time for that! I had a little time between games, however, and started totalling up how much money we spent at the concession stands, but it was too painful. Let's just say Lizzy didn't starve, and she could probably do a review of the concession stand at each school.

Meantime, here are some other interesting numbers from our weekend:

2 days
4 different gyms
2 entrance fees, times 2 days (thankfully, players and little kids are free!)
14 trips to the concession stands
2 hotdogs
1 sucker
3 bags of popcorn
2 bottles of Diet Coke
2 bottles of Powerade
3 bags of chips
6 freethrows for Lexi, that were nothing but net!
7 great passes from my kids to their teammates
16 hours at those four different gyms
2 cranky little girls (it's hard to sit and watch others have all the fun!)
2 tired big kids
adults with some major bleacher butt
2 second place medals (1 for Lexi, 1 for Jake)
1 proud mom!

I can't think of a better way to spend a weekend! Lucky for me, I'll have many, many more weekends like this!

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