Thursday, May 5, 2011


I went to the grocery store tonight. Alone.

This is significant for two reasons: the fact that I went to the grocery store is pretty amazing. The kids are going to be so excited when they look in the fridge tomorrow. The cupboards and fridge have been pretty bare lately. I've been too busy to shop, so I've just been buying a few things here and there. Tonight, my grocery cart was overflowing. I should probably wake them up a little early so they have time to soak it all in and make a good breakfast choice.

This is also significant because I went alone.

I don't go anywhere alone. I've always got at least one "helper".

But not tonight. I waited until all the "helpers" were in bed, then I went to the store.

It was awesome.

The fact that I think a trip to the grocery store at 10:00 at night is awesome is pretty sad. I should probably get out more.

Still, I can't deny it. Pushing my cart up and down the nearly empty aisles, with no one whining or begging for treats, was pretty amazing. I didn't utter a word the whole hour I was shopping. It was fabulous (and I like to talk).

I smiled the whole drive home, and even while I put $218 worth of groceries away.

I smiled because I can finally cook some decent meals.

I smiled because the house was quiet.

I even smiled as I made sandwiches for Jake's and Brad's lunches tomorrow.

Then it hit me.

I was smiling because I finally had some "Jody time". It was exactly what I needed. And as I finished packing the boys' lunches I realized "Jody time" doesn't have to be a whole afternoon to myself. It can be an hour at the grocery store, 30 minutes on the treadmill, an hour to watch what I want to watch on tv.

So while it cost me $218 in groceries, I learned a very important lesson on my late night grocery run.

The lesson: make time for yourself. You're not a bad mom if you need a break from your kids. You're simply human. Taking a break is as good for your kids as it is for you.

And, as an added bonus, this time my kids will have some seriously good breakfasts the next few days. Which means, I might get a little extra "me time" . They'll be too busy enjoying the new cereal to bug me!

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